
John S. Hill

The First Law of Thermodynamics tells us that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another. I believe that the energy of both John and Steve must still exist in some form, and in some location.

Because we lost John so suddenly, there were many things we never got the chance to say to him. 

The last words I spoke to John before he left for his trip were, “Do you have your discount form for the hotel?” We texted a bit after that, but those were the last words he heard me say out loud to him. 

There are so many things I wish he knew – but now I’ll never get the chance to express those thoughts to him.

I have the feeling I’m not the only one who believes that there are just too many things left unsaid, which is why I’ve decided to release some of these unexpressed thoughts back out into the world in a unique way. 

You have the opportunity to participate if there are things you’d like to say – keep reading to find out how.

Here’s What Will Happen:

Over the next few months, I will travel to the waters off the coast of Nahant, Massachusetts where John and left this world. 

While I’m at the site, I will release written messages (my own, and those of other friends and family members) into the waters. My hope is that wherever John’s energy is right now, our messages might connect with him. 

I’m also hoping that the act of releasing these unexpressed thoughts and emotions might give us a chance to move forward with our lives after these senseless tragedies. 

Here’s How It Will Work:

If there was something you would like to say to John, you can send your message with me to release into the waters at the individual sites. Here’s what you need to know about how it will work:

  • All the messages will be printed on biodegradable paper that dissolves in water in about 30 seconds. 
  • I’ll take all the messages I’ve gathered and release them into the water with dignity and respect. 
  • This process is not intended as a way for you to express condolences to the families – it’s a way for you to express the things you wish you’d like to John directly. You’re welcome to express any message or emotion you want to convey (positive or negative). All I ask is that it’s honest and genuine.
  • I’ll let you know the date and approximate time frame for each trip in advance, and you will be able to attend either trip, if you wish to. We’ll also create a video of the entire release process at each site.
  • Your message is completely private. I won’t be reading it out loud at the site (unless you want me to), it won’t be published anywhere, and no one will be able to see your words in the video. 

Here’s How You Can Participate:

There are two ways you can send your message to John and/or Steve. You can either:

  1. Print your own message on biodegradable paper, and mail it to me. 
  2. Send your message to me online, and I’ll print it for you.